News Latest news TotalSoft Supports the Experience Exchange Between the Software Developers Through the RepublicA Platform


RepublicA, online platforma dedicated to the community of software developers everywhere, organized it’s first offline meeting – Meetups. 

TotalSoft Supports the Experience Exchange Between the Software Developers Through the RepublicA Platform

RepublicA, online platforma dedicated to the community of software developers everywhere, organized it’s first offline meeting – Meetups. The event took place at TotalSoft headquarters, the initiative belonging to our colleagues from the software development department (TotalSoft Services).

Te purpose of the meeting was the exchange of technical experiencebetween our professionals and other software developers. The goal of RepublicA is to provide its users with useful information regarding the latest technologies used for software development and to identify solutions for the technical errors discovered.

RepublicA is a platform that gathers the theoretical and practice experiences of its members, and also the training materials created by TotalSoft Services division members.

On RepublicA the users can find discussion forums regarding the technical knowledge meant to help them identify easily what they are looking for. The community is an appropriate environment to attend discussions and webminars that are organized monthly and that are coordinated by the experts from TotalSoft Services.

Initially TotalSoft created RepublicA strictly for internal purpose but, following its international success, we decided to extend it at international level and also to organize periodical meetings.