News Latest news We started the third major project with Azomures for solutions and services of risk management

TotalSoft News

Azomures  chose TotalSoft for the implementation of Primavera Risk Analysis application and for implementation services, consultancy and training in risk management.

We started the third major project with Azomures for solutions and services of risk management

In May 2016, we signed a project with petrochemical complex Azomures for the implementation of Primavera Risk Analysis application and for implementation services, consultancy and training in risk management.

The main objectives of the project are: forming a competence center for administration and management of risk, standardization of clearance and validation processes for projects before being executed (schedules validation from contractors and highlighting potential risks). Also, the project will follow the standardization of risk management process for all the projects undertaken by Azomures by creating a working methodology which will include a full portfolio of risk reports, analyzes before and after mitigation in different phases on projects and portfolios.

It is the third project (in the last 4 years) for which Azomures choose our partner, after consultation in project management for general technical inspection in Targu Mures compound and the project of creating a PM Office for plotting the methodologies of project management in relation between beneficiary and contractor and those control costs for all the projects undertaken by Azomures.